Baptist! What do they believe? Why do they call themselves Baptist? Where did they come from? Why does it matter? You can discover answers to these burning questions and many many more when you attend our “We are Baptist” meetings on Tuesdays at 5 PM in the lounge.  

Come learn about Walter Shurden’s Four Fragile Freedoms that shape our American Baptist traditions. Discover the history of the congregation at FBC Macedon. And explore how you can participate in our mission to,
“Go. Serve. Love.”  
Whether you’ve been attending forever and ever, or you’ve been a Baptist since birth there’s always something to learn about the history of our denomination and about the history of our little church. 

$$ raised goes to California wildfire relief

Dessert Auction – more pictures

Members and Friends at Parkwood Heights are invited to share in The Lord’s Supper with Pastor Aleka Schuth, the first Thursday of each month, at 3pm in the Skyline Room.
**NOTICE: on March 6, we will meet at 2pm**

Yoga Class- every first and third Saturday   10 am –
Julie Knapp, registered yoga teacher, is excited to offer a Saturday morning gentle yoga class at FBC Macedon. The class will be offered every first and third Saturday at 10 am. Gentle yoga is designed for every body and modifications for postures will be provided.
-What to bring?  A yoga mat and 2 blocks if you have them. (I will bring extra blocks just in case.
– A suggested donation is $10 per class, but no one will be turned away if funds are a problem. 
-When to arrive? On your first day, plan to arrive about 9:45, so you can complete an information form so classes can be tailored to your needs.

Please remember to take your returnable cans and bottles to The Can King on West Main St in Palmyra. Tell them they are for FBCMacedon Church. Thank you, Fundraising Committee.

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