Church Doctrine:
The First Baptist Church of Macedon receives the Old and New Testaments as an all-sufficient basis of doctrine and practice and adopts the following Church covenant:
Believing that God first loved us and as our Creator gave us gifts of:
- Christ as Lord and Saviour
- The Holy Spirit as Advocate and Comforter
- The Bible as all-sufficient guide to doctrine and practice
We covenant with God and one another, by the grace of Jesus Christ, faithfully to:
- Celebrate the ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper
- Affirm historic Baptist principles of soul freedom, local Church autonomy, religious liberty and separation of Church and state
- Support, love, forgive and care for each other
- Make this a place of Christian devotion welcoming all persons
- Affirm spiritual growth through daily prayer, weekly worship, Bible study, fellowship, mission and service
- Share the gospel, exercise justice, demonstrate compassion; tend God’s creation
- Live consistently Christian lives at home, work and in the community
- Offer our God-given gifts, time, talents, tithes and pledges to further the kingdom of God
- Love God with heart and soul, mind and strength, and our neighbors as ourselves.